Important News

Notice of Delta Dental Data Breach

Delta Dental Data Breach November 27, 2023

This serves as public notice that the Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ, District 36 Building Operators Welfare Trust Fund (the “Fund”) learned that on November 27, 2023, a third-party vendor used by Delta Dental, the Fund’s dental benefit manager, was the victim of a data breach that contained information about certain participant’s dental records.  The Fund became aware of this breach on January 17, 2024, and has been working with Kroll, a third-party vendor hired by Delta Dental to communicate with certain Plan Participants that may have been affected by the breach.

In the ordinary course of the administration of the dental benefits that the Fund offers to participants, Delta Dental periodically sends claims data to third-party vendors, in this case MOVEit.  It is the Fund’s understanding that certain data was accessed between May 27, 2023, and May 30, 2023. 

The data that may have been accessed are first and last name, Social Security number, and some combination of other personal and protected health information.

The Fund will confirm that Delta Dental has policies and procedures in place to minimize the risk of this sort of improper disclosure occurring in the future.

Kroll, a third-party vendor retained by Delta to address this matter will be communicating with affected Plan Participants via USPS within the next week or so.

Delta Dental will offer certain services, including credit monitoring, to affected Participants. 

We would like to emphasize that data held in the Benefit Funds Office was not affected. While Delta/Kroll will be handling this matter, and not the Fund Office, you can contact the Benefit Funds Office if you have any questions.

Delta Data Breach